Donate for FREE to YHALE PTO
Want to help donate for free to YHALE PTO by just doing your normal/regular shopping? YHALE PTO has set up an easy way for you to help contribute for FREE on things you’re already buying. A small portion of what you purchase from the four companies below will automatically be donated to YHALE PTO to support your child’s educational experience at school.
저희 이황 아카데미에 무료로 기부 하실 수 있는 방법이 아래 설명 되어 있습니다.
학부모회에서 쉽게 참여 하실 수 있도록 준비하였습니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.
想要在您购物时免费帮助捐赠给YHALE PTO (家长教师委员会) 吗?YHALE PTO 已经为您设置 了一个简单的方式,让您在购买时方便快捷进行捐赠。您从以下四家公司购买的物品中的一小部 分将自动捐赠给YHALE PTO,以支持您孩子在学校的教育体验。
All you have to do is sign up today. It’s fast and easy.