Dual Immersion

YHALE follows a 50/50 Dual Immersion Model.

Dual Language Immersion (DLI)

Dual language immersion (DLI) education is an approach to learning language where a portion of the school day is taught in the second language, also known as the target language. This includes the study of the second language as well as subject content.  Studies show that immersion education students outperform students in traditional foreign language classes, do as well as or better than non-immersion students on standardized tests, and have a greater appreciation of cultural diversity and obtain a high level of intercultural competence.

The goal of immersion is to provide educational experiences that support academic and linguistic development in two languages and that develop students’ appreciation of their own and other cultures.

In order to make academic lessons comprehensible to learners and to support their second language learning, immersion teachers – who are typically native or native-proficient in the immersion language – use a vast repertoire of instructional strategies as they cover the curriculum.

Benefits of DLI

Greater cognitive flexibility
Spirit of openness and respect for others
Better standardized test scores
Access to a wider range of jobs