Mr. Anthony Chung
Mr. Chung earned his Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature with a minor in Middle School Education from Soochow University. He came to the University of Georgia where he received his Master of Education in TESOL and World Language Education in 2007. After starting his career as a teacher, he felt drawn to school leadership in order to make a more direct impact on students’ educational experiences. He further pursued and obtained his Gifted Education endorsement and Educational Leadership certification from the University of West Georgia in 2022.
Mr. Chung began his education career with an APS charter school as a Chinese teacher. During his 16 years tenure, he served various roles in different capacities to help the school grow, develop and thrive. He also dedicated himself to lead and support his teaching community, and served on the board of two world language organizations. He enjoys working collaboratively with colleagues to maximize learning opportunities for the students we serve.
At Yhale, Mr. Chung has a short term and long term goal.
His short term goal is to champion an environment where shared values- trust, integrity, persistence, and success- are embraced, and where all stakeholders feel valued and welcomed. His long term goal is to achieve three major objectives- To build a school with clear focus on student achievement, to grow people through intentional leadership, and to foster a strong school and community relationship.
To contact Mr. Chung, email him at, or you may call the school at 404-738-6219 and leave a message for Mr. Chung with the receptionist. If you would like to set an appointment with Mr. Chung or another administrator, please email that administrator with a request, or call the school at 404-738-6219 and let the receptionist know that you would like to schedule an appointment with Mr. Chung or one of the administrative staff.