Before/After Care


Before and After Care Programs

YHALE offers Before Care and After Care -Monday through Friday throughout the school year. .  During this time, children are supervised while playing with friends, doing their homework, or being engaged with simple activities such as coloring, games, and outdoor play (when the weather permits).

Before Care is offered for those students who must come to school BEFORE carpool begins at 8:00 AM. Before Care starts at 7:15 am each school day.

After Care is offered for those students AFTER carpool ends at 4:00 PM, with separate locations for LC (K-2nd grades) and UC (3rd-6th grades).


Charges will be billed, and payments will be made through your Zelle account.

Hours: 7:15-8:00 AM
Fees: $5/day (Unregistered: $10/day)

  • Charges begin at 7:15 AM and apply to any student coming to school BEFORE carpool begins at 8:00 AM
  • Parents MUST come inside to check students into Before Care.

Hours: After School-6 PM
Fee: Flat Rate of $15/day (Unregistered: $20/day)

  • Charges begin after assigned carpool/pick up times and apply to any student NOT picked up in the carpool by that time.
  • Parents MUST come inside to check students out of After Care.
  • All students should be picked up by 6 PM. Late pick-ups may be charged an additional $1 per minute past 6 PM.
  • Students attending an After School Enrichment program and then attending After Care, or vice versa, will be charged $10 for the day.

Contact Information:

For more details, please call us at 404-623-0003 or email

We are committed to providing high-quality care and ensuring your children are well-supported throughout the day. Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s before and after school care.