
Our Vision

We are a Dual Language Immersion charter elementary school.  Our Dual Language Immersion is a 50/50 Model so that 50% of each school day is taught in English and the other 50% is taught in Korean or Mandarin. YHALE serves students in kindergarten through fifth grade. The school is targeting young learners because studies have shown that the younger a child is introduced to a second language, the easier it is for that child to absorb the language.

A young human brain is very flexible, accepting and adaptive. However, experience and studies show that children must continuously practice and immerse themselves in a language to steadily improve their skills in a language. At YHALE, English speakers learn Korean or Chinese (Mandarin) while continuing to develop their English skills, and Korean or Chinese speakers learn English while continuing to develop their Korean or Chinese language skills.

 2022 CCRPI Report

College and Career Ready Performance Index

View 2022 CCRPI Report