

Bylaws Overview

All Governing Board members are responsible for reading and understanding the policies. These policies have been prepared to define procedures that affect the relationship between the Governing Board and the organization.

For matters covered by these policies, no person is authorized to deviate from these policies and any deviation must be approved in writing.

The Governing Board of Yi Hwang Academy of Language Excellence may change these policies and procedures, in whole or in part, at any time upon a two-thirds majority vote.

Recognition of these rights and prerogatives of the organization is a term and condition of serving as a Board member.

Review Schedule

Each policy lists the duration of the policy. In general, all policies should undergo a comprehensive review once every three years. All policies should be approved annually at the first public Board meeting of the year.

Any proposed revisions to the policies may be submitted to the Board for discussion prior to approval.

These policies are to remain in the public domain.

Click the link to view/download YHALE By-Laws for Nonprofit Corporation.